Waiting Until You're ‘Ready’ to Launch Your Offer is Keeping You Broke

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2020

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Most struggling online experts make the mistake of thinking that they have to get everything ready in their business before they start selling their products and services. 

Things like creating their website, getting their business cards printed, building an email list, and making sure they have enough content to share inside their program or membership.

I hate to break it to you, but this is actually the reason you’re still struggling to attract more customers, and make more money. And you and I both know that if you aren’t making money, you don’t have a business. You’ve just created an expensive hobby. 


Listen, I know why you think this. It’s a common belief that if you perfect your offer, build the backend of your business, and open your virtual doors when you’re ready that your audience will naturally come.

This is how the majority of struggling entrepreneurs operate. But it’s an old way of thinking, and one that has costly consequences.

Take a look at an article Forbes released, 90% of startups fail. And the top reason is because businesses created a product no one wanted. 


That’s the risk you are running trying to get everything ready before you launch your product or service to your audience. You are assuming that what you are creating is something people want.


This assumption has caused more businesses to fail than succeed. If you create and test your concept first you’ll make more money online faster. And avoid wasting loads of time, frustration, and money.

In fact, the majority of multi 6 and 7 figure online experts know that testing their concept with qualified buyers is the fastest way to grow their business, because it allows them to create an offer people want.

Now the question is, do you want to follow the path of struggling online experts who waste time getting everything ready only to find out they’ve created an offer no one wants? Or are you going to be the small percentage of successful online experts who take quick inspired action to create and test their concept first so that you can create an offer people can’t wait to get their hands on?

I hope you picked the latter!! Because this is the first step to creating an irresistible offer your audience can’t wait to buy. Making selling your products or services that much easier. 

The other two major factors to attracting more paying clients is your ability to connect with your ideal audience and communicate the value of what you’re offering. 

This is what I help my clients do inside the Messaging that Sells incubator. It’s a unique experience that is designed solely to help you take action, implement, test, and assess so that you can fill your launches and sell out your offers.

This isn’t like all those other online programs designed to keep you stuck in student mode. No more modules, worksheets or homework assignments. Your homework is working on your business so that we can figure out how to improve it. 

Understanding what messaging works, and how to position your offer in a way that stands out is the only way to achieve the results you want. Master this and you’ll never waste another penny or time on a program that doesn’t help you and your business.

If you’re a struggling course creator or membership site owner ready to create consistent 5K+ months, join the waitlist and be the first to know when I open the doors next month!!


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