$98.99 USD

2 monthly payments

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Add the Alchemy of Attraction for $297.99 USD. 


If you don't TRIPLE your leads in 30 days after following & implementing this blueprint, receive a personalized coaching session with me to guide you to success.

Turn Your Invisible Wisdom into a Compelling Offer that Sells

Payment Details

  • One payment only & lifetime access. 🙏
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.


What's Included:

01. 7-Day immersion to turn your ‘invisible’ wisdom into a compelling offer that will sell with a single email. 

02. Walk away with a validated offer (or offers) that sell like CRAZY!! 
03. Bonus!! Complete the 7-day immersion and you can submit your offer (or offers) to me to audit. THIS IS WORTH THE OFFER 10 TIMES OVER.


What Happens Next?

After you enter your payment details, you'll be taken to a thank you page with further instructions.



What People Are Saying:

I used to feel so overwhelmed and lost in a sea of ideas and content but I didn't know how to clearly communicate what I did. I worked with the Achkeic records and I could speak about that tool and I love sharing about that tool but I really wanted to get under that in a deeper way and how it can really help people. And you really helped me bring all the pieces together of how I can really help people. It helped me connect the dots on what I was doing and what I am so passionate about. Now I'm so clear on how to communicate to my people so they see themselves reflected in my work. I feel like I have the words now. I feel like I am speaking to my people.

Sarrah, Soul Gift Activator

I didn't know how to translate what it was like to really work with me. I felt like when I tried to market and sell what I do, it never quite captured all of it. Now I feel so confident to share my work in a way that feels good but also resonates with the women I want to work with. It's much more me now. And it's refreshing to know I can be successful speaking from my heart.

Michelle, Holistic Wellness Coach